I'll take you through the process of creating perfect art quotes that win projects!


One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting out as an artist, is to enter into a commission project with a client without first having the client accept a price quotation. 

The danger here is getting to the end of the project, sending the final invoice to your client and having them refuse to pay you as you hadn’t agreed on a price first and they didn’t raise how much it would cost.  

Your price quotation is a document you send to your client before the project begins to detail how much the project will cost them. If your client accepts your quote then it becomes a legally binding contract. 

In this mini-course I’m going to be starting from the top of the quote template and working my way down to the bottom, explaining each section in detail. 

I'll be covering:

  • How to lay out your quote 
  • What you legally must include
  • Your artist fee and how to calculate it
  • How to list your materials expenses
  • When to include tax
  • Tips for getting more quotes accepted by your clients.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Chapter 1

    • Overview and welcome

  • 02

    Chapter 2: Business info and description of the project

    • Business information

    • Project description

  • 03

    Chapter 3: Prices, services and expenses

    • Listing the prices and line-items

    • Artist fee

    • Service inclusions

    • Materials and other inclusions

    • Final subtotals and tax

  • 04

    Chapter 4: What your quote doesn't include

    • Exclusions and caveats

  • 05

    Chapter 5: Making sure you get paid

    • Payment terms

  • 06

    Chapter 6: The small print

    • Terms and Conditions & Signatures

  • 07

    Chapter 7: Get your quotes accepted!

    • Tips for getting more quotes accepted by your clients

  • 08

    Chapter 8: Next steps

    • Where to next?

Who is Fieldey?

Meet your art business guru

Fieldey (AKA Haylee Fieldes) is a professional artist and muralist with over 16 years experience in the art and design world.

For almost a decade she has taught art business secrets through a hugely popular YouTube channel – Fieldey TV: Art and Tutorials. That’s the place to get plenty of tips and check out Fieldey’s artistic adventures. Her super cool client list includes Molotow Graffiti products, Coca-Cola, Citroën, Anytime Fitness and Optus.

A master of painting on various surfaces, she has put her stamp on skateboard decks, surfboards, guitars, boutique hotel rooms, a remote-controlled jet boat, bowling pins alongside indoor and outdoor murals. Fieldey is partial to painting jungle-style green plants, giving sea creatures alter egos, old school tattoo style, skulls, pinups, famous faces and her work explodes with life, energy and colour. 


  • Designed for beginners AND artists who want to send professional quotes

  • Learn tips and tricks from a pro artist who shares her professional knowledge

  • Breaks down the quote template into a clear and easy to follow step-by-step process

  • Taught by a pro artist AND YouTube educator AND workshop teacher

  • Delivers what you need to know, with plenty of inspiration and zero frustration. All the essentials, so you can jump right into writing your project-winning quotes

  • Gives you the confidence to send out your quotes knowing they won't come back to bite you or lose you money